Wednesday 26 January 2011

Nirmana dkk (Looking back at those times..)

Kalau melihat statistik, ternyata banyak yang kesasar ke blog saya karena kata 'nirmana'- yang hanya sedikit saya sebutkan atau tampilkan dalam "Tragedi Memori di Panggung Dentuman Besar". Mendengar kata 'nirmana' lagi, saya serasa diingatkan pada masa-masa saya TPB SR dulu. I couldn't believe I eventually got through it.. save and sound! I won't mention the whys and hows. These works of my friends (and some are mine) remind me that no matter how hard it was, it's over now! Yeah, difficult times become sweet when told as past stories.




Some works aren't photographed with the creator's name due to the limitation of my camera, sorry for that.


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